Title: Crossing No-Fly Zone
“From Caxias do Sul to the world”, that’s how we can define the band Hecatombe. With 10 years of career the guys are working pretty hard, and we can see that quality is not something lacking on their luggage. From the artwork to the music, the band was intense and everything was very well done. The DVD recorded at Hugo Cantergiani airport was produced by the own band, and aside from having the songs, it brings some studio recordings from the band’s compositions. Everything is very well recorded, produced and crafted. The band’s sound is exciting and varies between several subgenres, of which I noted influences from Metallica, Pantera, Korn, Slipknot, not sounding like any band in specific. I guess the band achieved their identity and shows all their competence at the Airport’s stage, with remarkable guitar riffs, not to mention Mark’s intense vocal and plus the bass and drums do a very professional job. To name a song that stands out could be unfair, because all compositions are of excellent quality. Band and DVD highly recommended.